Friday, November 15, 2013

Catching Up

Well, because I am not smart enough to know my own blog address, I couldn't blog at Rachel's.  Oh, well, I am back and that's all that counts.  Right?  lol
I left Monday morning at 9:30.  As I got in the van I was looking for CD's and started the van.  Well, not exactly.  It didn't start.  So, I tried again.  It didn't start.  GREAT!  I'm thinking, okay, Lord, is there a reason I just packed and I'm not suppose to go to Illinois?  I called Alan, but of course I didn't reach him.  It was Monday, so figured he was in a meeting.  Decided to send up a prayer and give it another try.  Low and behold it started.  I think as I was looking at CD's my foot was resting on the brake.  Won't start if ya have your foot on the brake.  I had to stop at Drug Town for my prescriptions, so figured that would be the test when I shut it off and started it again.  All was good.  Called Alan and left him a 2nd message so he knew all was okay.
Off I went.  Decided to play a little Christmas music to pass the time.  Seriously, nothing passes the time when you're driving all by yourself for 4 1/2 hours.
When I got to Taylorville my first stop was Walmart for a couple of things, including a heating pad for Rachel.  I got to their place about 3:00.  We chatted for a bit and then just before we got Daniel up I got the chicken and rice casserole together for supper.  Then it was time to get Daniel up from his nap.  He is such a fun little boy, and a little booger all at the same time.  He is doing so well sitting on the potty and most of the time he actually goes.
Tuesday morning Rachel had her appointment at the Dr for her back and the follow up from her sore throat visit on Friday.  Then we made a grocery list so that I could go shopping while Daniel napped.  By 10:30 her Dr's office called to tell her they had set up an MRI at 1:30 in Springfield, so I quickly got myself dressed and out the door to shop.  Yes, I was still in my jammies.  lol
Came back, ate some lunch and then Rachel was on her way and Mimi got to read books, rock and sing Daniel to sleep.  Nothing more precious than a sleeping, almost 2 year old.
I mopped the kitchen and did some cleaning in there while Rachel was gone.  Then when she came home we cleaned out the freezer and the fridge the next day.
Wednesday Daniel and Mimi dusted and vacuumed the house.  Thursday we decided to go to a new store in Taylorville and then stopped and picked up lunch on the way home.  After lunch we went outside to play for a short while and Daniel went down an hour later.  But, who can pass up good weather.
I did Daniel's laundry, cleaned the bathroom and put away his toys from the porch and the yard for winter.
It was so much fun listening to Daniel begin to form sentences, read books together, build with his blocks, play cars, do his letters and more.
Rachel and I had fun watching HDTV, Survivor, Hoarders:  Buried Alive and Parenthood together.  And, of course just talking.
Jacob had a couple of longer days as he's getting ready for the school musical this weekend.  Tonight he won't get home until later.  Dress rehearsal.
It was harder to say good bye today.  We have gotten so good at not crying.  But, today just wasn't so easy. Please keep praying that her pain will go away.  Nothing worse than back pain with a toddler on the loose. And, pray for good weather for travel Thanksgiving week so they can make it home.  They will either leave mid afternoon on Wednesday or on Thanksgiving morning.  And, we'll officially have a 2 year old.
That was my life this week, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  I am so grateful that God knew that I should not be working right now.  Too much going on with my girls.
Enjoy your Friday night.

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing for all of you that you were able to go when she needed you. Praying for her to get some relief from her pain. Nice to have you back online :)
