Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Day Is Ending.

Well, another day is about to end.  I haven't done a whole lot today.  Slept in and listened to the storms this morning.  Finally got up and decided to wash bedding.  Kendra and I watched some Hallmark movies, then she finally talked me into getting up off the couch and going to Goodwill and Gordmans.
Alan, Kendra and I went to Genghis Grill for supper.  Came home and talked till 6 and then she was heading home to Waterloo.
I decided to tape off some of the bedroom so that I can start painting tomorrow.  I have lots to get accomplished this morning, so hope I can stay on task and get it done.
Took a bath and then talked with Jeanne for a few minutes.  Then Mom called.  So, pretty much missed The Amazing Race tonight.  Oh, well.  That's life.
Now I'm watching "Letters to Jackie".  Jackie Kennedy received 800,000 letters in 2 months following JFK's death.  Amazing outpouring of love to her.
Now, I need to call Jeanne back and chat for a few minutes, then I think it's time to head to bed.
Have a good night.

1 comment:

  1. Mmm....I love Ghengis! :)
    Glad you had a good day, even if it was kind of a lazy day. I have to write my blog still, but I've been procrastinating!
